Tinplate drum cap seal is the most appropriate robust tamper proof cap for sealing the drum containers. This is the most suitable and globally recognized material for drum metal caps. Thickness of these caps are 0.30mm. Rust resistance is the main advantage of this material. Tinplate Drum cap seals are used in branded products and also by quality concerned companies.
Tinplate tab seal offered by drum cap seal manufacturers is the best for sealing HDPE drums because of its thickness and foamability. At the same time these cap seals are much suitable for composite drum and plastic barrels. Leakage through bungs can be arrested by these cap seals using a proper crimping tool either pneumatic or manual. HDPE drum cap sealing should be wrinkle free and tight.
As a professional drum seal caps supplier, we also provide leak proof drum cap sealing solutions.
Steel barrels are not much complicated when it comes to cap sealing. Bung house of metal drums are in standard size for 2 inch and 3/4 inch. Hence using a ready made heavy duty crimping tool can deliver optimal crimping of these cap seals.
This cap seal can be teared off easily from the drum without applying any extra effort. This feature avoids unprecedented injuries at the event of removal of tab seal with screw drivers and chisel.
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